The Bloody Pickleback
The Bloody Mary is an all time classic. Synonymous with hair of the dog, its savoury characteristics and edible garnishes make it one of the few cocktails that are socially acceptable with breakfast.
For this article I was given the task of playing with the McClure's Bloody Mary mix. Given McClure's is known first and foremost for their pickles, I thought it a perfect opportunity to combine it with one of my favourite beverage pairings, the Pickleback*
(*The Pickleback is a shot of whiskey or bourbon with a shot of pickle juice as the chaser – sounds ridiculous, is actually amazing. Just watch out for the Weber Kettle Club leading you astray with too many).
To the dismay of Bloody Mary stalwarts, I’ve always found the cocktail a bit too heavy on the tomato juice. So the addition of pickle juice freshened it up and helped pare back the tomato.
Being the barbecue addict I am, I also figured why not rim the glass with Hardcore Carnivore Black. Obviously my salt intake needs to increase (if my doctor is reading this, I’m kidding, I promise).
- One part bourbon (I used Buffalo Trace)
- Three parts McClure's Bloody Mary Mix
- Two parts McClure's Garlic & Dill pickle juice
- Hot sauce to serve (Diemens Hot Sauces or the Handsome Devils range are excellent)
- McClure's Garlic & Dill pickle spears for garnish
- Hardcore Carnivore Black for salt rimmed glass
I don't think I need to explain how to mix a cocktail, but in case I do:
- Mix all ingredients in a glass with ice (apart from the Hardcore Carnivore, dummy)
- Run a pickle spear around the outside of the glass, then roll through Hardcore Carnivore Black
- Enjoy!